(903) 707-2219

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19025 Valley Dr.

Flint, TX 75762

Insurance Claims
Roof Insurance Claims

Your homeowner’s insurance policy covers Roof Insurance Claims and treats destruction from hail, wind, rain and snowstorms as a loss. In most cases, your insurance company will pay to replace your damaged roof minus the deductible. Because weather damage is categorized as a natural disaster, an insurance claim does not count against you and will not typically raise your insurance premium.

Estes Roofing and Construction knows all about dealing with weather-damaged roofing. We can repair or replace your homes roof and anything else that was destroyed like gutters. If you need us, we will meet with your insurance company to explain your situation. We will help make sure that your claim does not get denied or that you do not accept a settlement that will not cover the expense of restoring your home to the condition it was in before the storm damage occurred. We do not ask you to pay anything upfront except the deductible. The rest we collect from your insurance company.

Roofing Insurance F.A.Q
Frequently Asked Questions

Suffering through your home’s destruction is disconcerting. It leaves you with a lot of unanswered questions. To bring it all into focus, here are a few questions that people frequently ask a Houston roof company.

My roof is not leaking, but I think I have hail damage. How can I tell for sure?

Most of the hail that hit your home during the storm was probably too small to cause any real problems. However, there may have been some irregular hailstones that were heavy enough to harm your roof. It could take months before it begins to leak. A state-licensed Houston residential roofer should be called to examine your roof and advise whether you should file an insurance claim.

Why did my insurance company withhold depreciation on my roof?

Your Roof Insurance Claims policy covers the full-replacement value of your roof. The company will probably give you the payment in a few installments. The first check you will receive is for the actual value of the roof (AV). That is the amount your roof is worth today based on its remaining useful life expectancy. The depreciation is part of the replacement value (RV), which will be paid to you after the roof is replaced or repaired to satisfy the insurance adjuster’s summary report.

Can I avoid paying the deductible?

No, you must pay it. Manipulating the bill so you can skip paying the deductible is insurance fraud.

Why did my neighbor receive full-replacement value for his roof, but I only got half as much?

It is likely that your neighbor’s roof was damaged more seriously than your roof was.

Can I file an insurance claim for fire or animal damage?

Yes, you can, and we can help you fill out the claim.

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About Us

Estes Roofing is a construction and roofing company located in East Texas and serving Tyler, Bullard, Whitehouse, Flint, Arp, and the rest of the Tyler Metroplex.

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